ORO House Onsite Garden & Seed Library

This is the current list of all the books we currently have available to for community use. If you’d like to add to our list, scroll to the bottom and you’ll find our wishlist. We also accept donations. If donating please keep the books (in English, Spanish, or other relevant languages) related to the following:

  • Gardening in the Southwest

  • Indigenous/ native plants and uses

  • Mexican/ Sonoran plants and uses

  • West African plants and uses

  • Container gardening

  • Seed saving

  • Herbalism (specifically BIPOC educators)

  • Natural pigments, dyes, art making

  • Small space gardening

  • Low water gardening

  • Aquaponics/ Hydroponics

  • Cookbooks pertaining to indigenous, W. African, Mexican, and vegetarian/ vegan cooking

  • Children’s books related to plants, gardening, the earth, community building, etc.