Grow Dat Youth Farm (New Orleans, LA)
After our visit to Sylvester, we made our way to New Orleans to tour the Grow Dat Youth Farm. The farm is nestled in the center of City Park. It’s about 7 acres, two of which they use to grow a variety of produce. But more importantly they work to teach youth. They hire teens a couple days a week, and they come and work the farm. They are given a safe space to connect with the land and with one another. The farm also operates as a CSA, providing organic, seasonal produce for the community.
Our host was Jonshell. She shared how she started here as a youth, but loved it and now as an adult she continues to work with the farm, with no plans of ever leaving. She shared the impact it had on her life and health, and how she wants to make sure to share that with other teens.
We learned how since the land is primarily for educational purposes the rotate crops to allow the soil time to breath. Growing enough for the CSA and to allow the kids enough experience to learn.
We also learned that the teens involved and working on the farm are building so much community, that when they lost one of their own, they dedicated a space to their friend.
As is with many community farms, the kids and community involved with the farm are learning about new foods and new ways to eat. Their health and overall outlook on life is improving. It’s a beautiful oasis in a beautiful city.
Visiting these two farms really helped us pinpoint what EXACTLY our ultimate goal for ORO House is. We saw two farms doing parts of things we planned, and doing things we hadn’t even thought of. The other thing we loved was how open and quick they were to share the bumps they hit along the way, adn how they overcame them. One day ORO House will have it’s own farm. And there will be community. There will be learning. There will be sharing. And it will be accessible.
**This trip was funded by the Thriving Communities Grant and Southern Arizona Garden Projects Grant (through Native Seed).