It’s been super quiet over here, because we’ve been in the process of doing A LOT of things to be able to scale up our operation.

  1. As of last week we are OFFICIALLY a non-profit!! This will allow us to apply for more funding and will help us grow towards our goals.

2. We were accepted into the S.O.I.L. Farm Project. The S.O.I.L. Project aims to make farming accessible by helping new farmers have access to farm land (acreage) at an accessible rate. This means that we will go from growing on 400sq ft to 2 acres (87120sq ft) this year, and will grow to additional acreage in the following year. So we’ve been working on getting all our paperwork and lease together for that. It’s been a slow process, but we’re moving. In the meantime we’re planning out our future crops so that we can maximize our new space and really upscale what we’re able to offer. More produce, more herbs, more seeds, more everything.

3. With our new 501(c)3 status and the new farm space we’re working on our plans for the future, a reward system for donors who contribute monetarily and/ or with their time. We’re working on new workshops (we have a seed saving workshop coming up), and some new ones (cooking with dahlia tubers, hopefully, art related workshops, and more).

That’s all the major updates for now. We’re very excited to see such rapid growth and hope that with this new opportunity we can really lean into our goals.


New Year, New Farm


Grow Dat Youth Farm (New Orleans, LA)