Passionflower (S/S)


Approximately 20 seeds

These a gorgeous vining plants. The leaves, flowers, and fruit are all edible. The fruit is at it’s sweetest when the skin starts to wrinkle. The flesh around the seed will be yellow at it’s sweetest. They continue to ripen after being picked, or falling off the vine. (We would shake the vines and pick up the fruits that fell to harvest. You can also feel the difference in the weight of ripe vs unripe fruit.) The fruit of this variety stay a nice, matte green. Unlike the purple varieties you may find elsewhere. If you want the fruit, don’t eat all the flowers, becuase they grow from the flowers. It also has medicinal properties.

If the plants like where you plant them, they’ll keep coming back year after year. These particular seeds survived a dry, hot Arizona summer with 110+ temperatures, in full sun.

All our seeds are grown free of chemical pesiticides right here in Tucson, AZ. Our family grows, harvests, and processes all of our seeds with our own hands.

All seeds marked with season they were grown (in Tucson), how to cultivate your own seeds, and plant size (so that you can plan how to plant them)

*Due to the seeds coming from our family garden there is potential for cross pollination, and all seeds that may have cross pollinated are marked.

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